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P1 is a panoramic view of the current scene. The lower arc with the white dot is the DollyTrack track. The green box on the left is the red danger zone. P2 is t...
We have Light now
This time, I was introduced to the lighting system within unity. First up is the monkey scene (model from Brackeys), here there is a panel on the left and right...
Some game ideas
The first game: this game is going to be a puzzle game. The game scenes are fixed-view 3d graphics, like the old Resident Evil. The player has to interact with...
A simple health system
This log is about a simple health value system. The main functional script is on the player, which calculates the player's health value from collisions with ene...
Using NavMesh
This time I used NavMesh to create the floor information. This tool provides a convenient way of transforming model surfaces into perceptible 'walkable surfaces...
A scene with Probuild and Terrain Tools
This is a simple terrain environment shaping scene. The corresponding locations are the same as those for the lifebuoys. P1 The scene is as shown in P2, where I...
Some anima in unity
This time, I managed to import the mannequin and its animation into unity. You can see: the character animates as he walks and you can see him "waving" by press...
Import 3d modle to Unity
I have to say, this asset is awesome!

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